
Top Paid Activities in Bora Bora

Top Paid Activities in Bora Bora

Now that we’ve dabbled into the FREE activities you can enjoy while vacationing at one of the most expensive locations to visit, let’s talk on the things that may strike your pocket book a bit. We guarantee you that it’ll be more than worth it.

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Top 6 Things to do in Bora Bora... FOR FREE

Top 6 Things to do in Bora Bora... FOR FREE

Bora Bora is one of those places you see pictures of and think “Wow, that looks fake!” or “I really wish I could vacation there…” and you are caught dreaming of all the adventures you would embark on during your dream vacation.  We had the same thoughts about it when we first started looking at honeymoon destinations.  With some good research and planning (all Tey) you can definitely make this trip a reality!

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Ia Orana! (yo-rah-nah)

 Ia Orana! (yo-rah-nah)

For our honeymoon, Aaron and I had the pleasure of getting to travel a quarter of the way around the world to one of the top destinations on most people’s bucket list, Bora Bora. We’ll be sharing our Bora Bora journey with you through pictures, stories, tips and more. Aaron and I will be switching off between writing posts so you’ll have the chance to view our different perspectives and also learn more about us individually, as well as together.

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