
Trippin'. Road Trippin'

Trippin'. Road Trippin'

 We decided to humor everyone that raves about this drive and took on the Pacific Coast Highway. Turns out, the road is legit! It ended up being one of our favorite road trips of all time. Not only were there great views, THE ENTIRE WAY, but there’s so many different cities that you can pop in and out of along the way. Unfortunately, our time was limited on the route up to SF so we didn’t have too much time to explore endlessly; however, we made as many stops as possible. Let’s recap, shall we?

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#Sixteenbefore16: 2 of 16

#Sixteenbefore16: 2 of 16

Where are our Ice Cream lovers at!? If you don't know this by now, I (Tey) am obsessed with Ice Cream. To the point where I used to consume 32 ounces of ice cream in less than 24 hours... true story. This was before my metabolism decided to jump ship so I try not to do it as often...

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