Sixteen Before '16

Sixteen before '16

Recently, I (Tey) had dinner with one of my friends, and let me tell you, this girl is a Genius. We started talking about our future life goals and current situations and obviously "Get Gone and Travel" came up in the discussion. To be completely candid with you guys, Aaron and I don’t exactly know when we’ll get the chance to go on another extended vacation (due to recent changes in jobs/schedules) and it’s had us scrambling for ways to ensure that we keep our desire to travel alive and well. We’ve always joked about being “stuck in paradise” and how this city isn’t exactly the worst place to be “stuck”. We knew there was a high chance that we could spend 10+ years discovering parts of this city and always find something we didn't know was here but we've yet to truly take on that task. To get away from the scramble/out of the funk we’ve been in recently, Lindsey recommended we challenge ourselves by exploring more of the city we live in and love. Sixteen before ’16 is simple, intentional, and represents exactly what we’re always encouraging you to do – explore more! This great idea will allow for us to go to places we would probably never go to, see things we never even knew existed, learn quite a bit about this place we call "home" and have fun while doing it.

 SO - How does it work?

We’ve created a list of 16 things we’ll be doing before 2016 hits. Some are simple like "a picnic in the park" while others are a bit more adventurous. We’ll share everything with you guys along the way via the IG hashtag: #Sixteenbefore16 and also posting about our new adventures in blog form, here.

If you’re feeling fancy and adventurous, you should probably join us on this little rendezvous! Write down 16 things you have either never done or haven’t done in a while and do it - Be it something as simple as going to a coffee shop/going to the movies or something as big as sky diving/Climbing Mount Everest. Anything goes! Let’s kiss 2015 goodbye on a wave of adventure.

Our #Sixteenbefore16 List:

  1. Polite Provisions 
  2. Cream, Inc.
  3. Stone Brewing Company
  4. Pick a Christmas Tree
  5. Act Like a Kid Again
  6. Fancy, Smancy Dinner
  7. Hotel Del Coronado/Ice Skating
  8. Biking on the Bay
  9. Torrey Pines Hike
  10. Safari Park
  11. Visit a Museum
  12. Kiss the Sky
  13. Go Kart Racing
  14. Bonfire
  15. Picnic in the Park
  16. On a Boat!

Be sure to tag your posts with #Sixteenbefore16 – we’d love to see what you guys do!