Get Gone

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We're Back!

I know, I know - we left you guys hanging and we went MIA :/ But here’s why:

So, where have we been? Welp, a little bit of everywhere. To be honest, our lives were a hot mess! Between moving to a brand new city, starting brand new jobs and making brand new friends, we were pretty overwhelmed - so we decided that GGT could no longer be a priority. But that was only part of the reason we pulled the plug on Get Gone. The main reason? We were absolutely caught up in the IG life. We we no longer traveling for the fun of it and we weren’t soaking in every minute of every trip. We were screen focused every where we went. We had all these expectations and fell trap to the pressure that we had placed on ourselves to travel. The topic of travel shifted from a “want to” to a “have to” and in a very unhealthy way. The hiatus was necessary, y’all, we needed to reset.

So reset, we did! Let me tell ya, we feel like a million bucks! We’re refocused and re-energized. We’re less concerned about the likes and more concerned about the friendships we’ve made (we missed y’all, we really did!). Plus, we truly started this page to be a documentary of our travel life for our current and future family, we didn’t create this page to become popular. So don’t mind us as we get a little more personal, share a little more about our day to day along with our travels and also push to have more intentional connections. After all, isn’t that what life is all about!?

Cheers to traveling with a purpose, cheers to sharing with a purpose and cheers to connecting with a purpose!

p.s. don’t judge us as stalk the last 10 years on your page, we’ve got a lot to catch up on!